Staying Alive Foundation Rebrand

When approaching the MTV SAF rebrand, I wanted to emphasize the effectiveness of storytelling and how young audiences are empowered when represented on screen. ‘Storytelling to save lives’ was the tagline presented to us by the client so I wanted to create a logo that could be as dynamic and fluid as the stories told by the Staying Alive Foundation. When paired with imagery or video, each unique story would have its own handwritten font that provided a powerful message that connected people globally. Most importantly, I wanted to keep the tone of the rebrand informed but youthful, modern, and effective.

Role: Designer
Contributing creatives: Director of Design - Nick Gamma, VP of Design - John Farrar

After 20 years of providing award-winning behavior change campaigns, and funding grassroots projects across Africa supporting young people and communities in the fight against HIV and AIDS, MTV Staying Alive Foundation (MTV SAF) is changing its model. Moving away from grantees to focus on expanding its behavior-changing content. It is also expanding the foundation’s remit outside of HIV & AIDS to a broader thematic of youth wellness but with a particular focus on sexual and reproductive health and rights (encompassing HIV, family planning, gender-based violence, and LGBT+), and mental health.

stayingalive-heroimage_vArtboard 24.jpg